Australian business owners have responsibilities related to health and safety in their workplace. They must also ensure that the business doesn’t create health and safety problems for employees, customers or the public.
At the same time changes to WHS Legislation have resulted in new compliance requirements and the introduction of a tiered system where there is a maximum penalty of $ 3 million plus a potential five year jail term for the most serious breach of the law by a corporation.
AS4801 is a safety standard used by organisations to manage risk and promote a safer workplace. The requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System certification in Australia are defined through AS4801.
The certification process can assist with the development, implementation and monitoring of effective and relevant WHS policies and procedures.
AS4801 certification can be a requirement of tenders or contracts for some Government organisations and obtaining certification provides a competitive edge when it comes to the success of competitive bid processes.
We work with organisations across many sectors to assist them with compliance requirements taking into consideration individual work practices and outcomes.
Certification not only encourages compliance with safe work practices but it also shows a commitment to improvement and best practice.
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