Part 2
We identified in Part 1 that WHS Management Plans are mandatory for the construction industry. We also know that the old adage of Prevention is better than Cure doubly applies when working with safety. While there is no specific legislated requirement to have a documented WHS Management Plan in other sectors, any PCBU is required is required by law to provide a safe and healthy workers and other persons by ensuring that:
- safe systems of work
- a safe work environment
- accommodation for workers, if provided, is appropriate
- safe use of plant, structures and substances
- facilities for the welfare of workers are adequate
- notification and recording of workplace incidents
- adequate information, training, instruction and supervision is given
- compliance with the requirements under the work health and safety regulation
- effective systems are in place for monitoring the health of workers and workplace conditions.
It is not a wise decision to leave these requirements to chance and a logical, structured approach is the most effective. The development of a plan to address these requirements will:
- ensure that all of the legislated requirements are considered and managed
- be an effective method of communicating to all stakeholders
- give guidance when action is required
- demonstrate compliance.
Can your business afford not to have a WHS Management Plan? We are able to quickly and effectively help you with these requirements – Contact Us now!