Recent changes to Commonwealth and State Work Health & Safety (WHS) legislation mean every business, regardless of size, needs to have an effective WHS System in place. In New South Wales, for example, the new Work Health and Safety Act 2011 provides for fines of up to $3 million and prison terms of up to five years for directors of corporations who commit serious breaches of the Act.
As a business owner or decision maker, you can’t buy insurance against these sorts of penalties, and you can’t delegate the responsibility to someone else…the onus is on YOU to ensure your business is compliant.
Due Diligence
The various Australian Work Health and Safety Acts impose specific duties on officers of corporations and other PCBU to exercise due diligence to ensure that the organisation meets its work health and safety obligations.
At ISO14001 Certification, we have systems based on many years experience as hands-on safety practitioners that will ensure that your obligations are met. Contact Us to find out how.