Monthly Archives: June 2013


A concise introduction to the ISO 14001 environmental management system standard developed by the International Organisation for Standardisation [youtube]J7Fak8QI6Ww[/youtube]

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Posted in ISO14001

Emergency Preparedness

The  Effects  Of  Emergencies One of the underlying principles of the ISO 14001 Standard is the prevention of pollution. History shows that significant proportion of environmental damage occurs accidently. ISO14001:2004 definition: The organisation shall establish and maintain procedures to identify

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Posted in ISO14001

Why a Certified Safety System

Why is occupational health and safety important? The protection of the health and safety of all employees is vital to the success of all organizations.  Poor performance in occupational health and safety (OHS) can take a heavy financial toll on

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Posted in AS4801

Plan Do Check Act

The Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) cycle is the operating principle of ISO’s management system standards. It’s formal structure includes processes that regularly examine performance and ensure that the system continues to provide ongoing benefits. The steps in each successive

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Posted in ISO14001